How to get started in Dog Agility | Dog Tips and Tricks
How to get started in Dog Agility | Dog Tips and Tricks
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Agility Champion Anthony Clarke walks us through some of the things you need to know to get started in dog agility…from registering your dog so you can compete at official events, to the basic obedience you’ll need to sail round the course with no faults.
Learn more about dog agility: http://bit.ly/KCAgility
Watch more ‘How To’ Guides:
How to get started in Heelwork To Music: https://youtu.be/06LY5GWBsVY
How to get started in Dog Obedience: https://youtu.be/hBoGIcyrUNk
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My dog is incredibly fast, agile, and flexible. The only one that I’m worried about is me and my own stamina, trying to catch up to her I also worry about losing track of the course order, even though it’s numbered.
Pretty Cool.
“Hoe to get started in agility training”. – 4 minutes and “use treats” is the only advice.
I want to train my Golden retriever agility but she refuses to do jumps and only seems to like the tube, what should I do?
WOW!! Protest you are amazingly beautiful!! So impressive!!
He forgot to mention the (probably) the most important rule, that the dog MUST be at least a year old if your thinking about doing agility. It interferes with their growing joints. But the weave poles, A frame, see-saw and teeter should be fine
Cor what’s with kc club not wanting me to gain support? I’m a new up and coming handler with my dog bandit but they keep deleting my comments. Glad we all support each other @kc
I have been watching the agility course for some time now and i have a dog of a mix breed that shows amazing energy. I hope it goes well. Thanks for the video. 😀
My dog has obedience as she’s a service dog and she has a natural knack for agility I believe. At the couple dog parks I take her to she loves going through whatever courses that are setup there and she’s naturally great with climbing and jumping. Now just gotta start training somewhere
Amazing 😀
Good stuff! We just got a German Shephard puppy that seems to love to go in and out of places. With my past experience as an engineer, I would like to design some obstacles.
I do have a suggestion though. For the "jumping" apparatuses, instead of using something that a bar has to sit on, why not use magnets at the ends of the poles and have a metal strip on the uprights?
That way a dog can land straight down on the bar and it will still fall… also, you can adjust the height by much smaller increments if needed. something to think about.
Let me know if you want me to design one.
I’m worried my standard poodle will start jumping our backyard fence if I teach her to jump over obstacles. She can already leap incredibly high.
im in Virginia Beach does anyone know where I can start doing agility
Good illustrations and explanations. Thank you.
I own a horse and when I couldn’t visit him I started training my dog to jump over the weirdest stuff I could find, he can jump oxers and everything
Awesome. The dog is superbly trained!!
I think the video title is misleading. It is not really about tips but about basic knowledge and name of the tricks
agility should not be confined to being purebred…
I was getting my dogs into agility, it’s gonna take a while as I have quite a few dogs!
2 year old german/Belgian shepherd and a one year old springer spaniel I want to train. The shepherd is amazing but the spaniel still needs a LOT of work
How young can you register with the local kennel club? And is it 15 months of age before they can start for agility competition?
I have a Blue Heeler and my dog would really love this.
sometimes my dog doesnt pull on the leash too much.
Pretty Cool.
My dog is incredibly fast, agile, and flexible. The only one that I’m worried about is me and my own stamina, trying to catch up to her 😂 I also worry about losing track of the course order, even though it’s numbered.
Dog names… Riot, Rioter, ANTIFA, BLM, Arson, Molotov…
3/4 heeler 1/4 corgi! Bring on the agility! This girl has springs in her legs and loves to do fun stuff
Taren Edgerton. Hansy.
My rescue sheltie and I have done beginners and she loves it…so much that she never stops barking when in her crate. I have covered it, put treats in the crate, use a snuffle mat, but when she hears the commotion while waiting her turn, she cant contain herself. I am not new to agility or shelties. I’ve had 12 shelties through the years, and 4 have had agility training. How can I quiet her down?
I love all of this apart from the ongoing effort of the Kennel Club to control everything. You cannot compete (in the UK) unless your dog is KC registered? Hmm…
4 min video and said nothing.
Go Protest!!!
I started agility with my papillon cross when i was 9 and she was nearly 1 years old!! we were self taught but we will now be going to a training group next week on sunday
Taren Edgerton. Hansy.
Thanks for the helpful video. Everything is clear and understandable. I want to start training with a border collie, she is 2 years old.
Awesome video!!!
My puppy is energetic like a little monkey+alligator. I need find some activities to consume his energy.😄😄😄
what dog where you using for this
I was getting my dogs into agility, it’s gonna take a while as I have quite a few dogs!
What is the distance between each weave pole?
Great tip we were given when doing agility is to give a joint supplement to prevent joint damage, we use Antinol, and mine increased his speed!
"Protest" soooooooooooooooo CRINGE!
I’d love to do this with my next dog!
How young can you register with the local kennel club? And is it 15 months of age before they can start for agility competition?
I saw a top judge send his border collie round an agility course while standing beside the first obstacle. Just giving voice commands. Over, left, right, table, He used the command "go" ahead of the seesaw, a-frame. The dog knew how to get all the touch points.
I’ve not seen anyone else with that skill. I certainly can’t do it, except, for example, a sequence of jumps in a row.
Any comments.
Can someone explain the left hand side facing thing to me?
The lady doth protest too much, me thinks
U have a 1 year old cavalier she’s just started jumping I’m gonna try get her to do the poles things soon